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Learning Designer

Benjamin Höhne

Dr. Benjamin Höhne holds a degree in psychology and has extensive experience in the realm of experimental negotiation research, as well as in conflict resolution and communication. At present, his primary focus lies at the intersection of the rising digitalization of the workplace and the potential for harnessing it for substantive on-the-job learning. To this end, he crafts agile learning projects and formulates complementary methodologies across diverse projects and networks, serving as a coach in these endeavors.

Top Competencies


  • Coordinated multiple research and development projects, sponsored by BMBF, DAAD, giz, DFG, and ERASMUS+.
  • Designed and supported e-learning modules, MOOCs, and blended learning formats catering to both national and international audiences.
  • Served as a trainer and coach specializing in conflict management, negotiation, and mediation across various projects.
  • Engaged as a researcher on multiple experimental negotiation research projects at the universities of Trier, Saarbrücken, and Lüneburg.
  • Earned a Doctorate (Dr. phil.) with Summa Cum Laude distinction for the thesis titled, "He Who Does Not Dare (Together) Does Not Win: Allocation Context and Resource Valence as Determinants of Agreement Quality in Negotiations Over Shared Resources." Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Roman Trötschel.
  • Obtained a Diploma in Psychology with a grade of 1.0 from the University of Trier.

Language Levels

Latest Publications

  • Höhne, B. (2021). Das digitale Support System für Agiles Lernen. In Longmuß, J., Korge, G., Bauer, A., & Höhne, B. (Hrsg.). Agiles Lernen im Unternehmen. Berlin: Springer Vieweg.
  • Höhne, B. & Longmuß, J. (2021). Agil und informell lernen – Bedarfsorientierte Kommunikations- und Kollaborationsmethoden. In Richter, G. (Hrsg.). Lernen in der digitalen Transformation. Wie arbeitsintegriertes Lernen in der betrieblichen Praxis gelingt. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.
  • Longmuß, J., Korge, G., Bauer, A., & Höhne, B. (2021). Agiles Lernen im Unternehmen. Berlin: Springer Vieweg.
  • Höhne, B., Longmuß, J., Müller, E.S. (2019). Agiles Lernen am Arbeitsplatz – Kompetenzen und Tools in der Umsetzung. In R. Völker & T. Tomaschewski. Agiles Management. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Höhne, B., Bräutigam, S., Longmuß, J., & Schindler, F. (2017). Agiles Lernen am Arbeitsplatz – Eine neue Lernkultur in Zeiten der Digitalisierung. Zeitschrift Für Arbeitswissenschaft, 71 (2), 110–119. doi: 10.1007%2Fs41449-017-0055-x
  • Höhne, B., Loschelder, D. D., Gutenbrunner, L., Majer, J. M., & Trötschel, R. (2016). Workplace Mediation: Lessons from Negotiation Theory. In K. Bollen, M. Euwema, & L. Munduate (Hrsg.), Advancing Workplace Mediation Through Integration of Theory and Practice (S. 67–86). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Trötschel, R., Loschelder, D. D., Höhne, B., & Majer, J. (2015). Procedural Frames in Negotiations: How Offering My Resources Versus Requesting Yours Impacts Perception, Behavior, and Outcomes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108 (3), 417-435.

Methods & Tools